RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Thames Valley


RoSPA advanced Drivers and Riders Thames Valley Group constitution

1.0 Name, Definitions and Status
The name of the group is the “Thames Valley Group”, hereafter called ‘the Group’
1.1 RoSPA – Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (Charity Number 207823).
1.2 RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders (RoADAR).
1.3 Accredited RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Groups are affiliates of RoSPA.
1.4 Status:
RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders is part of The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (Charity
Number 207823) (“RoSPA”). RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders is a voluntary organisation of people
who have an interest in promoting RoSPA’s advanced driving and motorcycling standards and test.
2.0 Authority
This Constitution, first published October 2001 and now amended March 2018, replaces all previous
versions of the ‘GROUP REGULATIONS’, and provides the core rules for the running of the Group.

3.0 Aims and Objectives

3.1 To improve road safety and reduce road collisions and casualties by improving driving and motorcycling
knowledge, attitudes, skills and standards.
3.2 To provide access for the public to RoSPA’s advanced driving and riding system and test on a noncommercial basis.
3.3 To provide consistent, high quality advanced driver and rider tutoring to group members.
3.4 To encourage and help drivers and motorcyclists to pass RoSPA’s Advanced Driving and/or Advanced
Motorcycling Tests.
3.5 To help to implement RoSPA’s overall mission to save lives and reduce injuries.

4.0 Membership
Membership of the Group is open to any individual interested in promoting the aims of RoSPA
Advanced Drivers and Riders, who meets the admission criteria set out in 4.2 to 4.5. An annual
membership fee must be paid to join and retain membership of the Group. The Group annual
membership fee shall be determined by the committee and agreed at the Group’s AGM. The Group
membership fee is in addition to the annual membership fee payable to RoSPA. All Group fees become
due annually.
4.1 Membership categories are defined as:
(a) Full Member;
(b) Associate Member;
(c) Other Member (Companion, Honorary and Life).
4.2 Full Membership is open to any driver or motorcyclist with a full, valid driving license, who has passed
a RoSPA Advanced Driving Test or Re-test and/or a RoSPA Advanced Motorcycling Test or Re-test
subject to paying the appropriate Group annual membership subscription and passing the appropriate
three-yearly re-test.
4.3 Associate Membership is open to any adult with a full, valid driving license, who is preparing to take a
RoSPA Advanced Driving Test and/or Advanced Motorcycling Test. An Associate Member will become
a Full Member once they have passed a RoSPA Advanced Test.
4.4 Other Membership categories (Companion, Honorary and Life)
The Group may create additional membership categories, such as honorary or life membership, and
prescribe their respective privileges, obligations and membership fees. Companion, Honorary or Life
grades of membership may be awarded by approval at a General Meeting on the recommendation of
the Committee. This membership category may include individuals who no longer wish to be retested
or who have failed to take and pass their re-test. For this category of membership, the Group annual
membership fee shall be zero.
Members in this category who have previously passed a RoSPA Advanced Test may also remain a
member of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders provided that they continue to pay the appropriate
annual membership subscription to RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders. Individuals in this category
are covered by Public Liability as per stated in the insurance guide for RoSPA Advanced Drivers and
Members in this category who wish to remain a member of the local group but not of RoSPA Advanced
Drivers and Riders, may do so provided that they continue to pay the appropriate membership
subscription to the group. They do not pay a membership subscription to RoSPA Advanced Drivers and
Riders, are not a RoSPA Advanced Driver or Rider. Individuals in this category are covered by Public
Liability as per stated in the insurance guide for RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders.
4.5 A person may not be refused membership to the Group on the grounds of the following protected
characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 or because of their profession:
a) age
b) being married or in a civil partnership
c) being pregnant or on maternity leave
d) disability
e) race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
f) religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
g) gender
h) sexual orientation

5.0 Group Committee
The Group shall form a committee which shall be responsible for the management of the Group, its
running and activities. The Committee executive officers shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary and
Treasurer and no fewer than two other members plus a President. The Chairman and the Secretary are
the main contact points between the Group and RoSPA HQ and its appointed representatives and are
responsible for keeping RoSPA up to date with the details of the Chairman, Secretary, and Group
Tutors. The Chairman and at least one other committee member must be full members of RoSPA
Advanced Drivers and Riders.
The Committee, other than the President and Webmaster, shall be elected annually at a General
Meeting of the Group (the AGM) and shall consist of no more than fourteen members, all of whom must
be over eighteen years of age. Only Full Members may stand or vote for the positions of Executive
Officers; all members may stand or vote for any of the remaining positions. The post of Chairman shall
normally be for three years, all other positions shall have term lengths as determined at time of
nomination and appointment

The Committee shall meet at least four times in any twelve-month period. The meetings are to be called
by the Chairman with a notice of at least two weeks. Each member of the Committee shall be notified
of the date, time and location of the Committee meeting and will be invited to attend. Five members (to
include at least one Executive Officer) shall constitute a quorum. Each Member of the Committee shall
have one vote on all matters to be cast personally by the Member. All decisions shall be made by
majority vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman may have a second or casting vote, if
agreed in advance by the committee.
The Secretary shall ensure that minutes of Committee meetings are taken and circulated to any group
member who requests a copy. Copies of the minutes and other relevant documents must be kept by the
Group and copies provided to RoSPA HQ on request.

6.0 Responsibilities of the Committee
The Committee shall:

a) Have authority to Co-opt any member of the Group for a special purpose, the tenure of such
a co-opted member to terminate at the next AGM.
b) Fill any vacancy which may occur in any office or in order to make up the number of its
c) Be responsible for the normal running of the Group and its activities which shall include the
setting of Group annual membership fees
d) Put forward to the Group, for approval at the AGM, the names of persons to be awarded
Companion, Honorary or Life membership of the Group.
e) Designate authorised signatories for the Group’s finances, including but not limited to the
Executive Officers.
f) Maintain a Register of all Members incorporating their names and contact details. The
Committee shall inform RoSPA HQ of the number of Members in the group on request. The
Group will comply with any relevant data protection legislation, and may only use Members’
data for the purpose of the Group.

7.0 Finances
The Committee shall open banking or other financial accounts in the name of the Group with such bank
and/or similar organisation as the Committee may select and monies received by the officials of the
Committee on behalf of the members of the Group shall be paid into such account or accounts within
sixty (60) days of receipt. Cheques, direct debit instructions and other financial payment instructions
shall not be approved by fewer than two Members of the Committee.

7.1 The Treasurer shall be responsible for reimbursing any authorised out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
any member of the Group.
7.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the Group’s bank account and for ensuring that the
Group’s bills are paid.
7.3 More than one committee member must have access to the Group bank account.
7.4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for arranging an independent annual inspection of the accounts.
7.5 Group funds must only be used to run the Group and to meet the Group’s aims.
8.0 General Meetings
There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the purpose of presenting the annual reports and
accounts and for the election of the Committee (see paragraph 5) and this shall be summoned in writing
at least three weeks before the appointed date. Each Member shall be notified of the date, time and
location of the AGM and shall be invited to attend.

8.1 A General Meeting may be called at any time, subject to the consent of an Executive Officer and at least
three other Full Members, and with at least three clear weeks’ notice to the Group Secretary.

8.2 Twelve members, to include at least one Executive Officer and the Chairman, shall form a quorum at a
General Meeting and the Secretary shall have the responsibility for the keeping of minutes.
8.3 All decisions shall be made by majority vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have
a second or casting vote. Each Member shall have one vote on all matters.
8.4 The Secretary shall ensure that minutes of the AGM are taken and circulated to any Group Members
who requests a copy. Copies of the AGM and other relevant documents must be kept by the Group and
provided to RoSPA HQ on request.

9.0 Expulsion
The Committee may terminate the membership of any Group Member on the grounds that the
Member’s continued membership would be harmful to the Group, provided this does not contravene
9.1 The Committee must notify any Member in writing of their possible removal from Group membership.
The Member must be given the opportunity to submit written representation to the Committee within
14 days of receiving notice, explaining why she or he should not be expelled. The Committee must
consider any such written representations when making a final decision about expelling the Member. A
decision to terminate membership shall only be valid after a Committee vote.
9.2 A Member who is expelled from the membership of a Group may appeal to RoSPA HQ within 14 days of
being notified of the decision to expel him/her. RoSPA HQ will consider the appeal and may recommend
that the Committee re-consider its decision, giving its reasons. The Committee will consider RoSPA’s
recommendation and has the final decision on whether or not to uphold or reverse the expulsion.
10.0 Group Code of Conduct
All group members are required to:
a) Behave professionally at all times and treat others with respect and consideration.
b) Avoid categorising anyone according to protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 or
because of their profession.
c) Avoid inappropriate language, comments and tone that could be misconstrued or create offence.
d) Avoid physical contact except in an emergency or in the normal course of greeting (for example, shaking
e) Not criticize any other trainer or examiner and will remain objective and factual when discussing any
other road safety organization; at all times encouraging all efforts to improve road safety.
f) Understand and not breach Data Protection law.
g) Not knowingly break any other laws.
h) Be fair and honest.
i) Not charge for providing tutoring.

The above requirements are not exclusive or exhaustive.
11.0 Operational Procedures
11.1 The Group must have at least one Advanced Tutor whose responsibility is to assess and approve Group
Tutors. The Advanced Tutor(s) must have passed RoSPA’s Advanced Tutor Test, or be a RoSPA Advanced
Driving Instruction Diploma holder, a RoSPA Advanced Riding Instruction Diploma holder, or a RoSPA
11.2 The Group must seek to maintain a sufficient number of Group Tutors to meet the demand from
11.3 Group Tutors and Advanced Tutors must be full Members of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders.
11.4 Advanced Tutors and Group Tutors may not receive a fee, except out of pocket expenses, for providing
tutoring to any individual.
11.5 The Group may not collect test fees.
11.6 Group Tutors and Advanced Tutors may operate in other Groups, with the permission of the other
Group(s) concerned.
11.7 The Group must not provide training services to any organisation except where an organisation has
encouraged its staff to join the Group as individual Members, in which case, they must check with RoSPA
HQ before tutoring commences. Organisations that contact the Group with requests for other services
to help them improve their staff’s driving or motorcycling must be referred to RoSPA HQ.
12.0 Dissolution

12.1 The Group may be dissolved, or merged with a neighbouring Group, by a resolution passed at an
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Group. The Group Committee should seek advice from
RoSPA HQ first.
12.2 The EGM must be called by the Chairman or Secretary giving not fewer than 21 days’ notice. Each
Member of the Group and RoSPA HQ shall receive notice of the meeting specifying its date, time and
12.3 A decision to dissolve the Group must be passed by at least 75% of those attending and voting at the
12.4 In the event that a resolution to dissolve the Group is passed, the Committee must arrange for the
Group’s debts and liabilities to be paid and its bank account(s) to be closed. The resources and assets of
a dissolved Group shall be transferred to RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders and used exclusively to
help develop and support other groups within the network.
12.5 In the event that the Group agrees to merge with another Group, the new merged group must complete
the RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders Accreditation process in order to join the Accreditation Scheme.

13.0 Amendments to the Constitution

Any amendment(s) to this Constitution shall require the initial approval of the Committee who will then
present a resolution to a General Meeting. Approval of the amendment(s) shall require a two-thirds
majority of those present at the meeting. The Committee must inform RoSPA HQ of any changes to the
constitution, and gain written agreement from RoSPA that the constitution still conforms to the RoSPA
Advanced Drivers and Riders Accreditation Scheme