Travel, Traffic, Safety and RoadsApril Guest SpeakerGraham Feest – UK National Road Safety Committee Chairman |
Online Presentation – 14th April 2021 @ 19:00 |
Please join us for the next in a series of live ‘Online’ Zoom presentations to keep us informed and aware of all aspects of driving and road safety. Our guest speaker for April is Graham Feest, a UK based Road Safety Consultant, Chairman of the UK National Road Safety Committee, Chairman of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving and the Road Safety Advisor to the ADI National Joint Council. Graham is also a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety and serves on their Road User Behaviour Working Group. Graham will be guiding us through some of the current Government interventions under consideration or being implemented aimed at reducing crashes, collisions and injuries on the road and how they integrate with National and Local Strategies and how coronavirus has expedited development and change I do hope you can join us for this interesting and informative online Zoom event. Regards, David Tomlinson Events and Social Secretary |